At the high level Leveson inquiry in the UK, Ex-Prime Minister, John Major, stated under oath today that Rupert Murdoch, a non citizen, demanded that the government change its policies or we (the Murdoch organization) would oppose him.  Major’s government didn’t and Murdoch then supported Labour, who won the election. This seems to directly contradict Murdoch’s testimony at the Leveson inquiry – that he never asks for anything from a Prime Minister. Major complained that this is against the idea of one person one vote; Murdoch controls one third of the British Media, and hence wields huge political power. 

The striking thing here is that Murdoch also controls about one third of the US Media, vertically integrated across network and cable TV properties, newspapers, movie studios, book publishing and the internet. For the corporate news media pundits and politicians to ignore what is going on in the UK, and to not point to the obvious parallels between Murdoch’s techniques in the two countries is extraordinary.  He literally brainwashes 30% of the US, demands who knows what from politicians, and the public hears not a peep.

For more on John Major’s testimony read this article from the Guardian.


Did Our Public Airwaves “Win” it for Walker?

June 12, 2012

Sue Wilson’s essay on OpEdNews puts a finger on a dirty secret. With all the wailing about the Citizens United Supreme Court decision and the superpacs, what is consistently not discussed in the mainstream media is that this state of affairs is a cash cow for TV stations, stations usually owned by the media conglomerates. [...]

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My Question To Mike

April 23, 2012

By Robert Kane Pappas I have been trying to get my mind around the “death of privacy” and what this means and portends personally, politically and economically.  Yesterday, when Michael Moore was interviewed by Susan Sarandon in front of a packed auditorium at the Tribecca Film Festival, I asked a question from a hand held [...]

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The Big Why!

February 25, 2012

by Robert Kane Pappas I could probably find the script – lying somewhere down here in my basement office, the dungeon where I have been making films for a long time.  But the place is swamped with them so I’m not going to look.  I’ll just try to remember what I can.  Cat Colvin, a [...]

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The Three Legged Chair

February 8, 2012

an essay by Robert Kane Pappas The political flap over the prominent and well-funded breast cancer advocacy group -Susan G. Komen for the Cure – cutting off financing for screenings at Planned Parenthood – was spoken about largely on a political Left/Right basis.   In her New York Times essay on February 7th, Susan Love, [...]

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The Brisbane Syndrome

January 21, 2012

Are reporters merely stenographers? Notes on the New York Times Public Editor Brisbane’s column  concerning the journalist’s job: is a reporter merely a Stenographer? Judging from the public’s reaction to Brisbane’s column, one question among many, is, “how did Brisbane get that stupid (or perchance, uniformed)?” One incredulous reader asked, “Is this a joke?” That [...]

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Lessig Urges Unity Among the Discontented

October 19, 2011

According to a report published today on The Raw Story, Harvard professor, Lawrence Lessig, speaking at an Occupy D.C. rally earlier this week, urged the Occupy movement to reach out to members of the Tea Party and bring them into the movement, saying: “What is inspiring about this movement is its potential… to rally our [...]

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Press Coverage of Occupy the Hamptons

October 19, 2011

Journalist and East End Resident, Richard Wallace, attended a Conversation wtih Harry Belafonte at Bay Street in Sag Harbor on Saturday, October 15th (as part of the Hamptons International Film Festival).  Outside an Occupy the Hamptons Rally took place.  In his coverage of the event for, Richard singled out Orwell Rolls in His Grave for mention, saying: “Meanwhile, [...]

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October 16, 2011

by Robert Kane Pappas (originally published on on September 29, 2011) I have to meet with a Wall Street friend later today – partly to seek funding for my latest documentary – and I am going to wear a suit. Usually, I come as I dress, which is casual; but today I am going [...]

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Cheney’s Book Tour, In Which He Takes Out His Heart Battery

August 29, 2011

What gets me is the ability of these people like Dick Cheney to be legitimized by the corporate media as they trot out a book.  Or, as in the case of Karl Rove, a criminal is given a platform by the News Corporation’s Fox Network, and in doing so, a natural impression is created, namely: [...]

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